Tongue Tied Tale is a platformer game featuring a chameleon who loves to eat! Play as a hungry reptile that'll consume everything in its path—even its enemies... Use your tongue to traverse unique puzzles and obstacles. Control platforms to access more delicious fruit. Fight enemies and eat them as a reward! Eat to gain weight, and run or drink potions to shed any excess mass. A heavy chameleon can be handy in a scrap, but can also weigh you down, so make sure to keep your eye on the scale!


Make sure to check the tips below or this tutorial playthrough if you're struggling!


  • W, A, S, D to move around.
  • Left-click to interact with scalable objects.
  • Right-click to use your tongue to pull objects or grapple.
  • Press R to reset the level in case missing you are missing pieces of puzzles or glitches occur.

Tips from the devs: 

  • Keep an eye out for fragile log platforms and walls! These can be broken with enough force or weight.
  • Platforms with a brick texture are resizable! They can push the player or objects around. Click then drag the purple corners if you're having trouble.
  • Consuming potions will decrease your weight.
  • Consuming fruits will increase your weight. 
  • Platforms with a wood texture can be grappled.
  • Platforms with a thicker grained wood texture can be pushed. 
  • Enemies with a red skull are too big to eat. Try eating fruits to get stronger!
  • Enemies without the indicator can be safely consumed. Yum!
  • Levers can be grappled.
  • Pressure plates can be activated by the player or by objects.


All art assets are made by our amazing artists Mikhael (@mikhael.jpeg) and Olivia (@livsopp)!

BGM and some SFX was created by our talented sound designer Carol!

Some SFX was used courtesy of ZapSplat.

Andrew Mao: Andrewyx 

Alex Xie: axiev1 

Minghao Li: Lmh-java 

Dorson Tang: ZenBubble 

Alex Mei: TMZero-c 

Randy Zhu: RandoNandoz 

Jennifer Park: jenpari3

Patrick Zhou: chiefpat450119

Thanks for playtesting Neil Lin: clay-arras


Download 48 MB


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very cute story! I enjoy the sound design as well

(1 edit) (+3)

Really fun game ! I love the story slides and the game  physics ! Good job ❤️

Lizard got that melanin in his hands

The tongue physics are excellent!!!

hahaha thank you so much!